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// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT License.
//! Synic interface definitions used by VmBus.
use crate::interrupt::Interrupt;
use crate::monitor::MonitorId;
use hvdef::Vtl;
use std::sync::Arc;
use thiserror::Error;
pub trait MessagePort: Send + Sync {
/// Handles a message received on the message port.
/// A message is `trusted` if it was was received from the guest without using host-visible
/// mechanisms on a hardware-isolated VM. The `trusted` parameter is always `false` if not
/// running in the paravisor of a hardware-isolated VM.
fn handle_message(&self, msg: &[u8], trusted: bool) -> bool;
pub trait EventPort: Send + Sync {
fn handle_event(&self, flag: u16);
fn os_event(&self) -> Option<&pal_event::Event> {
#[derive(Debug, Error)]
pub enum Error {
#[error("connection ID in use: {0}")]
#[error("hypervisor error")]
Hypervisor(#[source] Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync>),
/// Trait for accessing partition's synic ports.
pub trait SynicPortAccess: Send + Sync {
/// Adds a host message port, which gets notified when the guest calls
/// `HvPostMessage`.
fn add_message_port(
connection_id: u32,
minimum_vtl: Vtl,
port: Arc<dyn MessagePort>,
) -> Result<Box<dyn Sync + Send>, Error>;
/// Adds a host event port, which gets notified when the guest calls
/// `HvSignalEvent`.
fn add_event_port(
connection_id: u32,
minimum_vtl: Vtl,
port: Arc<dyn EventPort>,
) -> Result<Box<dyn Sync + Send>, Error>;
/// Posts a message to the guest.
/// It is the caller's responsibility to not queue too many messages. There
/// is no backpressure mechanism at the transport layer.
/// FUTURE: add backpressure.
fn post_message(&self, vtl: Vtl, vp: u32, sint: u8, typ: u32, payload: &[u8]);
/// Creates a [`GuestEventPort`] for signaling VMBus channels in the guest.
fn new_guest_event_port(&self) -> Box<dyn GuestEventPort>;
/// Returns whether callers should pass an OS event when creating event
/// ports, as opposed to passing a function to call.
/// This is true when the hypervisor can more quickly dispatch an OS event
/// and resume the VP than it can take an intercept into user mode and call
/// a function.
fn prefer_os_events(&self) -> bool;
/// Returns an object for manipulating the monitor page, or None if monitor pages aren't
/// supported.
fn monitor_support(&self) -> Option<&dyn SynicMonitorAccess> {
/// Provides monitor page functionality for a `SynicPortAccess` implementation.
pub trait SynicMonitorAccess: SynicPortAccess {
/// Registers a monitored interrupt. The returned struct will unregister the ID when dropped.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if monitor_id is already in use.
fn register_monitor(&self, monitor_id: MonitorId, connection_id: u32) -> Box<dyn Send>;
/// Sets the GPA of the monitor page currently in use.
fn set_monitor_page(&self, gpa: Option<u64>) -> anyhow::Result<()>;
/// A guest event port, created by [`SynicPortAccess::new_guest_event_port`].
pub trait GuestEventPort: Send + Sync {
/// Returns an interrupt object used to signal the guest.
fn interrupt(&self) -> Interrupt;
/// Clears the event port state so that the interrupt does nothing.
fn clear(&mut self);
/// Updates the parameters for the event port.
fn set(&mut self, vtl: Vtl, vp: u32, sint: u8, flag: u16);