// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT License.
//! Types and constants related to the UEFI spec.
//! This crate is divided into 3 submodules:
//! - `uefi`: types directly lifted from the official UEFI spec
//! - `hyperv`: types specific to the Hyper-V UEFI implementation
//! - `linux`: types specific to UEFI on Linux
// TODO: find a nice way to create const `Ucs2LeSlice` instances, and use proper
// `const`ants instead of runtime methods...
macro_rules! defn_nvram_var {
($varname:ident = ($guid:expr, $name:literal)) => {
pub fn $varname() -> (Guid, &'static ucs2::Ucs2LeSlice) {
use ucs2::Ucs2LeSlice;
use zerocopy::AsBytes;
Ucs2LeSlice::from_slice_with_nul(wchar::wchz!(u16, $name).as_bytes()).unwrap(),
pub mod hyperv;
pub mod linux;
pub mod uefi;